BIPP: Integrated pro-active prevention of incoming risks through the purchasing process
BIPP: Your complete personalized and online Catalogue Library
BIPP: Multi-entity  supply management & contract compliance
BIPP: > 25.000 users over > 500 lab-entities
BIPP:  Multi-catalogue  searching
BIPP: Assuring central control on decentralized purchasing
BIPP: Buyer driven  multi-catalogue marketplace
BIPP: > 20 million supplier managed & buyer validated articles & prices
BIPP:  Life Science specific  supply management & workflow
BIPP: Europe's leading marketplace for e-Sourcing within Life Sciences and Chemistry
BIPP: Easier compliance with public procurement obligations
BIPP: Continued supplier integration, even after a supplier switch
BIPP: Life Science specific legal compliance with EU directives


Because of its ability to integrate with current ERP solutions, BIPP can act as an e-HUB, making it the right choice for many businesses. They can reach through only one connection all their suppliers simultaneously, supporting a completely paperless e-Sourcing and e-Procurement process.

The availability of a large range of validated online supplier managed catalogues, together with the completeness of the data focusing on Life Sciences’ specific additional needs, constitute strong assets of BIPP. However, customers also choose the platform for its powerful functionality, its user friendliness and the support that goes with it.

BIPP members are mostly active in Life Sciences and focus on research and on the control of a decentralized procurement workflow which involves a large number of requisitioners generating many different order requests on a daily base. Often, these requests are the result of last minute obtained research results or empty local storage locations.

Being a buyer driven e-Sourcing and e-Procurement marketplace, the BIP Platform for Life Sciences  serves the specific as well as the generic needs of all stakeholders within the purchasing process of start-ups, biotech & chemical companies, universities, research institutes, hospitals,…

The solutions of BIPP allow members all over Europe to be compliant with all their legal obligations concerning occupational health, environment, transport and public procurement. They align the complete purchasing process, from purchase to pay (P2P), with the EU directives, as well as the national and local regulations.

Over 22,000 laboratory collaborators are using BIPP to generate paperless requisitions, to manage their contract compliance and to centrally control the budget availablity for their projects and cost centres.
