BIPP: > 25.000 users over > 500 lab-entities
BIPP: Multi-entity  supply management & contract compliance
BIPP: Buyer driven  multi-catalogue marketplace
BIPP: Assuring central control on decentralized purchasing
BIPP: Easier compliance with public procurement obligations
BIPP:  Life Science specific  supply management & workflow
BIPP:  Multi-catalogue  searching
BIPP: Life Science specific legal compliance with EU directives
BIPP: Your complete personalized and online Catalogue Library
BIPP: Continued supplier integration, even after a supplier switch
BIPP: Europe's leading marketplace for e-Sourcing within Life Sciences and Chemistry
BIPP: > 20 million supplier managed & buyer validated articles & prices
BIPP: Integrated pro-active prevention of incoming risks through the purchasing process

SHE-compliance: Safety, Health and Environment, management module, tailored to your unique needs & legal obligations

The BIPP SHE module comes with built-in information related to legal requirements for Safety, Health & Environment, thereby automatically providing relevant information to your systems, as well as information & management tools to all authorizing persons involved. In this way, the SHE department disposes of an instrument to fulfil its legal obligations within the purchasing process, without slowing it down (‘3 green lights’). Moreover, it is completely integrated in the paperless workflow of the e-Procurement module of BIPP. No manual maintenance nor importation of purchasing history to separate programs or software are needed anymore.

Through a separate workflow, the occupational health department can be involved automatically within relevant requisitions based on a personalized SHE specific classification and an automatic risk level calculation of requisitioned items. Authorizing persons can additionally be notified automatically, based on the SHE classification of requested items and on the risk value resulting from the automatic preliminary risk level calculation for the requested chemicals in the cart. In this way, the prevention management can fulfil its legal obligation to inform the user and to really act preventively, catching the risks before they enter the company or institute through the procurement process. This tool is also recognized as important within the accreditation process, leading to compliance.

Conform with local rules, automatic notifications are sent to the prevention department at different stages of the purchasing process (‘3 green lights’) and a temporary inspection status can be assigned, allowing a timely implementation of the proper measures.

Support for storage in compliance with European & local environmental legislation is provided.

The responsible manager is automatically notified upon the submittal of a new requisition for which a legitimate purchasing permit is missing, in order for him to take proper action, ad hoc or proactively.

The module is integrated real time with software, needing order history and article characteristics for storage, use & transport, license & health follow-up, reporting,…

Overarching SHE management & dashboard: each purchasing group within the enterprise can be provided with his own centrally manageable risk triggers and risk level calculation, taking into account the local availability of protection measurements.

An individual request or purchasing report contains the properties of the goods needed by the SHE management for reporting purposes, supporting their extended risk calculations and informing them about whose health condition has to be followed up.
