BIPP: Integrated pro-active prevention of incoming risks through the purchasing process
BIPP: Easier compliance with public procurement obligations
BIPP: > 25.000 users over > 500 lab-entities
BIPP: > 20 million supplier managed & buyer validated articles & prices
BIPP: Your complete personalized and online Catalogue Library
BIPP: Buyer driven  multi-catalogue marketplace
BIPP:  Life Science specific  supply management & workflow
BIPP: Life Science specific legal compliance with EU directives
BIPP:  Multi-catalogue  searching
BIPP: Assuring central control on decentralized purchasing
BIPP: Continued supplier integration, even after a supplier switch
BIPP: Europe's leading marketplace for e-Sourcing within Life Sciences and Chemistry
BIPP: Multi-entity  supply management & contract compliance

NEW Designated COVID eCatalogue library


Because of the huge worldwide need and the continuous shortage of products to prevent, diagnose, and treat COVID-19, the Biotech Innovation Procurement Platform (BIPP) has been extended with a COVID-specific catalogue-library which is composed of many thousands of COVID-related reagents and diagnostic kits, allowing the user to find and order the required products with only a few mouse clicks. BIPP is the most comprehensive searchable list of commercially available COVID-related products, accessible to the R&D community free of charge.


To contribute to the global fight against SARS-CoV-2, the use of the BIPP COVID-catalogue is completely free of charge for both users and suppliers. Contact us now.


For Users

For Suppliers

Request your login and password and start searching the BIPP COVID catalogue library without delay.


Contact our team to get your products listed.

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More about BIPP
