BIPP: > 20 million supplier managed & buyer validated articles & prices
BIPP:  Multi-catalogue  searching
BIPP: > 25.000 users over > 500 lab-entities
BIPP: Life Science specific legal compliance with EU directives
BIPP: Continued supplier integration, even after a supplier switch
BIPP: Europe's leading marketplace for e-Sourcing within Life Sciences and Chemistry
BIPP: Buyer driven  multi-catalogue marketplace
BIPP: Your complete personalized and online Catalogue Library
BIPP: Assuring central control on decentralized purchasing
BIPP: Integrated pro-active prevention of incoming risks through the purchasing process
BIPP: Easier compliance with public procurement obligations
BIPP:  Life Science specific  supply management & workflow
BIPP: Multi-entity  supply management & contract compliance


As a part of the implementation, new members will receive a training in their own tailored environment in training modus, before the BIPP goes live.


For members already active in the live environment of BIPP, BIPP is equipped with a separate training environment.
BIPP acts conform the 'Train the trainer' principle.
In company trainers can have this training & demo environment at their disposal to

  • introduce and train new collaborators
  • give follow-up training to experienced collaborators
  • introduce new modules and functionalities to experienced members and train them before activating these in their live environment


Our Partner Training is conducted in a workshop format to facilitate a complete knowledge of BIPP.  The training cost also includes support during their first BIPP customer implementation.
